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Today was a totally awesome, super fun, unbelievably fantastic, really great day! The sun was shining and everywhere I looked I saw smiling faces and happy campers! Today was the day I wait for each session when we are no longer new campers and returning campers, we are just one big happy family. Today I noticed campers hanging out with new friends, rather than clinging to the ones they knew best when the session started. Today I realized that not only does every camper belong, but our world would just not be the same without each and every one of them. Thank you for sharing your amazing children with us!

Favorite Details of the Day

  • Reflect at the Rock: Today Gaynell talked about thinking before you speak. Once your words are out, it is much harder to take them back. Words can be a powerful way to build people up, but they can also leave scars when they are hurtful. Think before you speak.
  • Meals: Breakfast was belgian waffles, sausage, eggs and fruit bar. Lunch was chicken fingers, french fries and salad bar. Dinner was cookout on the field - hamburgers, hotdogs, pasta salad, chips, watermelon and chocolate chip cookies.
  • EP: Counselor Hunt! Counselor Hunt is a camp classic. A giant game of hide and seek where the activity counselors hide around camp and are either worth positive or negative points, but no one knows until the finale. The object is for you and your cabin to find as many counselors as possible before the bell rings. So much fun!
  • Weather: The weather was picture perfect today. The sun was shining ALL DAY! The high today was 80 degrees and the low was 62, perfect temperatures for a good night sleep!
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I love our Thursday night cookout tradition. There is nothing better than playing frisbee with friends, hamburgers and hotdogs from a charcoal grill and cold watermelon on a hot summer’s day. The campers really enjoy the relaxed and casual atmosphere of cookout, and a few extra cookies are always a good idea! We just can’t stop feeling happy over here at Highlander. Click the video to see for yourself!
